Sequester Soil Amendment


A Micro Cover Crop to Increase Microbial Functionality

Sequester is formulated with Cyanoblend®, aproprietaryblendof Cyanobacteria strains in a high concentration formulation. Cyanobacteria are nitrogen-fixing Autotrophs with the ability to survive and grow in a wide range of temperature, salinity, and pH conditions.

On the other hand, Heterotrophs (bacteria, fungi, protozoa) areorganisms that consumes other organisms in the food chain to obtain the necessary energy to drive soil function.

What does this mean? It means with Sequester®, you don’t need to a apply manure or compost or grow a cover crop to drive microbial functionality in depleted soils. Sequester® is a Micro Cover Crop™.

Designed to Enhance Soils

Sequester® is an easily applied soil enhancement which can be applied at any time during the growing season. With climate change stressing crops and farming operations, Sequester® provides a tool to help growers deal with these challenges.

Sequester® is simply convenient compared to a terrestrial cover crop. No concerns about the seed mix, planting, sufficient time for growth, and termination.


• Reduction in soil sodium levels
• Improved water use efficiency
• Increased nutrient uptake

Utilizes CyanoBacteria

Can No-till Drill to support regenerative farming praSequester® Soil Amendment’s cyanobacteria blend provide natural nitrogen fixation proven in studies around the world. They take nitrogen from the air.

Cyanobacteria support conversion of phosphorous to a bioavailable form. Sequester® supports holding these nutrients in the soil in concert with the soils microbiome to have them available to the plant when needed. actices

Steps for Use
  1. Apply product at Planting or Spring, ideally.
    ▪ Sequester® can be applied at any time during the crop cycle.
    ▪Apply by spray, drench or in irrigation water
    2. Post emergence, apply product foliar spray or drench over the crop.
    3. Repeat these steps for each cash crop cycle.
    4. For severely degraded soils requiring intensive reclamation, consider application rates of 5 –10x Sequester® the first year.
Measuring Performance
• Pre-plant Soil Analysis (SOM*, Sodium) provides a baseline to measure performance. • Post harvest soil analysis will show the reduction in Sodium levels and increase in SOM*. • Annualincreases in SOM is verification of Sequester® performance and the basis for carbon credit certification. * SOM = Soil Organic Matter

"Growers in the desert areas of West Texas, Arizona and S. California report sodium levels go down by 60% -80%, which drives water savings due to improved water use efficiency, and a reduction in fertilizer costs due to increased nutrient uptake and greater nutrient cycling in the soil."

Salt Affected Soils

Cyanobacteria adapt to higher salt levels, so they are available to help the soil and plant without damage. Water restrictions for farms & homes make salt management even more important – besides better soil health, lowered salts don’t need extra water to flush them away.

Utilizes Cyanobacteria

Can No-till Drill to support regenerative farming praSequester® Soil Amendment’s cyanobacteria blend provide natural nitrogen fixation proven in studies around the world. They take nitrogen from the air. Cyanobacteria support conversion of phosphorous to a bioavailable form. Sequester® supports holding these nutrients in the soil in concert with the soils microbiome to have them available to the plant when needed. actices

Supports building plant health and increased yields

Sequester® enhanced soil is more resilient to climate change and can provide a second environmental income benefit.

Learn more, download the brochure below.


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We’re ready to help get you on your way to sustainable success. Contact us, today!